Saturday, January 30, 2010

How To Keep a Woman Happy -- 10 Way to Keep a Woman Happy

Most men would like to know how to keep a woman happy. If you're one of them, follow these ten solid pieces of advice on relationships for men.

• The first piece of advice on relationships is to always be yourself

Many men don’t feel they have what it takes to attract a beautiful, sexy woman, so they put on a phony show. But self confidence can make a man the sexiest guy in the room.

Have you noticed that the least physically attractive guys often have the prettiest women at their side? That's because they generate an aura of confidence more attractive to women than physical looks.

• Do little things that count big

You'll score big points by doing unexpected acts of caring like getting her car inspected or occasionally surprising her with a sampling of her favorite dark chocolate. Men usually think in terms of “grand gestures,” but it's the small gestures that stack up to create long relationships.

• Never take her for granted

Continually let her know how much you value her as a person and for your relationship together.

• Don't stare at other women when you are together

Hey! Control yourself. Most women will think you're comparing her to the woman you’re looking at. They don't understand men's half-truth that “the day I stop looking is the day I die.”

This lack of understanding comes from women's biological desire for monogamy. Women seek a permanent partnership with a guy she can raise children with. It's in their nature. That’s how they're designed. So minimize ogling, especially when she’s right there to see your performance.

• Make her laugh

Women want a guy who has a sense of humor. They place that trait high on their list of most favorable attributes; more favorable than men place good looks in a woman. So, keep her laughing if you want your relationship to last.

• Seek common interests

This bit of advice on relationships will help you keep things solid by participating in the same hobby. However, it's even more effective and important when you take an interest in her long-standing passion. Perhaps this means you must develop an appreciation for a certain kind of music. Well, so it goes. Your interest will show that you care about her and she’ll know you're the one for her.

• Stay well groomed and attractive

Just because you get the girl of your dreams, doesn't mean you can drop your guard and let yourself go -- especially when it comes to personal grooming. Even though women are less sensitive to looks than are men, they still like a man who cares about his looks. This means you'll shave on weekends and stay up-to-date on men's fashions. Don’t let yourself go and get sloppy just because you won the race. You could lose her by neglecting yourself.

• Get along with her family and friends

Your partner must know she can bring you into her circle of family and friends. You must fit into her larger life, especially after the initial flare of passion has mellowed to a warm glow. Learn to mix and mingle with her girlfriends and positively impress her parents. Women rely on their social networks to validate their choices for a relationship. Make an effort to fit in and get along.

Always respect her feelings

Always assume a woman is more sensitive than you are; act accordingly and respect her sensitivity. By respecting her sensitive moods, you'll stay on her good side.

• Remain open to trying new things

A final piece of advice on relationships is to be receptive to trying new things. When a relationship starts, everything is new and different -- from the different types of foods you enjoy to the way you kiss. But, eventually, such things become familiar.

If your relationship has become routine, spice it up. Trying new things will renew your relationship and help to keep it growing and healthy.

These ten bits of advice on relationships will help you strengthen your dating life and the relationship itself. But the fact is, none of this is rocket science, it's all common sense.

Many guys lose their sweethearts because they don't pay attention to what they're doing to them and not doing for them.

A book written by T 'Dub' Jackson called "The Magic of Making Up" has helped many men start and maintain solid, loving relationships.
By reading his advice then applying his common sense suggestions, many guys have turned their love lives around and kept them upbeat.

Additionally, his advice also helps guys to improve their personal relationships with friends, co-workers and family by making these connections smoother and more rewarding than ever.

Do yourself a big favor by checking out "The Magic of Making Up"

Get great advice on relationships and how to keep a woman happy. Click here:

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